Thred's on a mission to help you GLOW!

Thred's on a mission to help you GLOW!

This week has no doubt, been extremely hard on all of us.  I’ll admit, I’m worried about what’s next for us, especially since we’re seeing a lot of businesses close down to further help us practice social distancing, which can be difficult for some of us to handle. Being in tight quarters with loved ones is bitter sweet.  For one thing, there are no 2 people I’d rather be with at this time than my husband and son (I say this as we just finished a screaming match for this is the second time I tried to write this lil blog today and I keep getting interrupted for freakin snacks or nonsense… lol). DANG PEOPLE!  Just do it yourselves.  Lolol. Which brings me to the whole point of this email.   Yes, it is important at this time to take care of your family.  However, you also have to take care of  your mind, your  body, and your sanity.    Here are some great ideas to help you on this journey in weathering this storm at home together (god help us all…).


* I know that when I’m shaved & exfoliated, I feel amazing and definitely a much happier camper.  Shave it all off, and make a lil homemade scrub. Here’s how:  


-3-4 tablespoons of sugar, 

-a couple tablespoons coconut oil, body lotion,  or even olive oil

-a few squirts of body soap

-a few drops of essential oil of your choice if you have it. If not, a squeeze of of fresh lemons, oranges, or Nothing at all is fine too.

-put it all in a zip lock, mush and squish it all together, and go to town in circular motions all over your body.  Rinse well and pat dry. 

-WALLAH!  TAKE THAT Yucky dry skin!


* A Good Ole Fashion Hot Oil Hair mask is so under rated these days.  It can breathe new life into your hair, making it soft, shiny, and hydrated.  Do the treatment, grab a mindless read, and have some great down time.  Have daughters? This will be a great time to teach them this ritual, and bond with them over it.  It will be a memory they will forever remember: “Hey Ma, remember The COVID19 Hair mask days?” <3:


-2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil or olive oil heated up quick and toss it onto dry hair paying close attention to your ends, not so much the scalp (unless you have dry scalp. Then, go for it).

-oil and water don’t mix well as we all know soooo, when you are ready to rinse, apply the shampoo dry first and really get it in there, then rinse, than wash hair as usual to remove the rest of the treatment. 


* Finally, style and blow out those once thirsty dry brittle locks! Ditch the raggy mumu and replace it with  a cute lil jogger set or your favorite pair of comfy leggings with a cozy top that make you feel the part of your cute self!   I’m not saying don’t ever wear them again, cause I love me some raggy holey joggers… lol. Just tuck them away for the time being and go with a fresh crisp look to match your fresh crisp self.  


While social distancing is very important, it’s also important to maintain relationships to help with feelings of isolation that may occur.  Stay connected! Join our Facebook Thred Therapy Boutique’ers VIP Page.  We have the funnies, we have the courageous, and we have your back in this time of emotional need and uncertainty. Click here:

Post your happy, post your fear, don’t hang on to it on your own.  

We are here for you! <3


Love you all!!!  Praying for you all!!!  I’m here!

Lisa Marie & the Thred Therapy Team <3

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